F&I Platform for the Independent Dealer
We are F.A.S.T.
Finance, Automated, Secure, Transparent
Billions in liquidity
Instant Approvals & Contracts
ID Verification, OFAC & Red Flags
Real-time status 24-7
Exclusive marketplace used auto loans for the independent shop.
Take control of how your dealership secures financing
Keep track of your application history right in your dashboard.
Work any deal, any time.
Instantly get presented with pre-offers as soon as you push an application.
Getting approved by used auto lenders is easier on Automatic than any other platform.
Get notified when a new lender comes onto Automatic and lends in your area.
Instant approvals. No more “pending” statuses.
All sign-ups are done within the platform, no need to re-enter agreements outside of Automatic.

Benefits for Dealers

Standard Account

  • Pre-offer marketplace
  • Access all qualifying lenders
  • Access additional services
  • Soft Pull - Vantage Score
  • E-contracting
  • Carfax
  • Produce Back-end Contracts
  • Dealership Support

Upgraded Account

  • Everything in Premier
  • Application banner for your dealership website
  • Receive applications from your dealer website in Automatic with a loaded marketplace of pre-offers ready
  • Guaranteed Rate Insurance
  • Supporting DMS connections
  • Weekend dealer support


  • Dealership Bonds
  • Dealership Liability Insurance
  • Garage Insurance
  • Floor Plan
  • Tax Preparation with Withum
  • JD Power